New enzyme helps producers of vital wheat gluten get more out of their wheat
Wheat has become a sought-after substrate for starch and ethanol production, mainly due to the increase in demand for vital wheat gluten (VWG), which is the valuable gluten protein product in the wheat separation process.The unique properties of VWG makes it applicable in the baking industry, the aquafeed sector and for plant-based protein products. Production of VWG has grown by 4.5% CAGR from 2000 to 2019, and this growth is expected to continue in the coming years at almost the same pace. At the same time, however, wheat prices have risen 4.5% YoY over the last 5-year period, which puts more pressure on the production margins.Novozymes’ new biological innovation has a special focus on improving the recovery of wheat gluten enabling VWG producers to get the most out of their wheat.When used in the wheat flour separation process, the new enzyme increases the recovery of gluten protein by 2 %-points and also reduces energy consumption. For a European plant with a capacity of 1,000 tons of flour (dry base) per day, this corresponds to up to €1,000,000 per year of value left unrealized.
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